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Home/News/How To Change A Tyre

How To Change A Tyre

How to change a tire

How to change your tyre made easy!

Have you ever been stuck on the side of the highway waiting to be rescued because you had a flat tyre you didn’t know how to change?? It isn’t as hard as you may think!!

All necessary tools should be with your car:

  • Roadworthy spare
  • Jack
  • Wheel brace

How to change your tyre:

  1. Make sure you are a safe distance from the road, on the most level bit of land possible and have your hazard lights on. Don’t forget to pull up your handbrake!
  2. Loosen the nuts on the tyre you are replacing with the wheel brace, but don’t remove them completely.
  3. Grab your jack and place it under the vehicle frame near the tyre you’re replacing. This should be the metal frame normally behind your front tyre or in front of the rear tyres. If you’re unsure then check your owner’s manual.
  4. Raise the jack so it is supporting the car with just enough room to remove and replace the tyre. You do not want to jack it up too high and make the vehicle unstable.
  5. Remove the nuts completely and take off the tyre, put the new tyre straight onto the bolts. Put the nuts back on and begin to tighten them.
  6. Lower the jack down slowly and remove from under the car. Use the wheel brace to tighten all the nuts properly now that the tyre cannot spin.

DONE!! You can now head off on your way without wasting hours upon hours waiting for road side assistance or a friend!

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