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Driveway Safety

Driveway Safety

Tragically one child is accidentally run over in their own driveway every week in Australia.

Why are children at risk in the Driveway:

  • Young children are naturally inquisitive and want to see what is going on. They move surprisingly fast and can run into the path of a moving vehicle without warning.
  • In the time it takes for the driver to say goodbye and start the car, a child can move from a ‘safe’ position onto the driveway and into the path of the vehicle.
  • Small children, particularly toddlers, can be impossible to see from inside a car, especially if they are directly behind it.
  • Most drivers are aware of their car’s ‘blind spots’ however the rear vision of a number of popular cars has been tested and results show that there is in fact a large ‘blind space’ behind most cars, particularly when reversing.
  • Even if your car has parking sensors or a video camera fitted, you may not notice a small child until it is too late to stop.

Safety Steps to prevent driveway run overs:

  • Always supervise your children and do not let them play around cars. When near cars hold their hand or hold them close to keep them safe.
  • Don’t let your children use the driveway as a play area; create safe play areas for your children.
  • If you are the only adult at home and need to move a vehicle, even only a small distance, place your child securely in the vehicle with you while you move it.
  • Make access to the driveway from the house difficult for young children, by using security doors, fencing or gates.
  • Drivers should walk around their vehicle before moving it, especially where children may have been.
  • Children learn mostly by observation and imitation. Examples set by parents can have effects on their behaviour.
  • The SDERA Smart Steps program recommends having a Safety Spot where children are to always stand with a parent/guardian when cars are moving. For more information about car driveway safety contact www.westsideauto.com.au



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