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Automotive news

All the latest news in automotive, buying guides and updates from the Westside Auto team.


How Long Does Car Servicing Take?

Having knowledge of the factors that affect car service duration is key for planning one’s day while their vehicle is being serviced. This blog post looks into these influences, as well as different types of services, useful tips on expediting process time and activities to take part in whilst waiting. By reading this guide, you will be able to make sound decisions when it comes to servicing your car. Gaining valuable insight about not only saving time but also making use of it during a service appointment!

What to Expect from a Car Service: A Comprehensive Checklist

This comprehensive guide is designed to help you understand the importance of regular car servicing and how it can extend your vehicle’s lifespan while boosting its performance. Here, we cover all that comes with a car service from selecting a reputable mechanic to tracking the maintenance history for optimal results. Read on as this article walks you through what goes into getting a quality car service!

How Often Should You Service Your Car?

We understand how daunting it is to be confronted with an unfamiliar noise in the car. That’s why we have all of the details you need about servicing a vehicle and understanding when services are necessary for optimal safety on roads. This post breaks down everything from different types of service intervals, what factors play into your specific needs, plus tips for maintaining your car between services, so that anxiety-inducing moments don’t become frequent occurrences. With this guide outlining how often you should service your car, drivers can enjoy smooth rides without worry or fuss over maintenance costs!

The Ultimate Car Servicing List for Optimal Vehicle Maintenance

It is essential to keep your car in peak condition, similar to how you would care for the human body. The best way to do this is by referring to a comprehensive car servicing checklist. This guide provides all the information needed on maintenance tasks that will optimize performance and ensure smooth, safe rides each time while giving your vehicle longevity like no other machine can provide!

How To Repair A Car Scratch Easily and Effectively

A car scratch can be an eyesore, but did you know that repairing it could be simpler than you think? Many car owners fear the thought of addressing scratches on their vehicles, but with the right knowledge and tools, you can restore your car’s pristine appearance. In this guide, we’ll walk you through various techniques for how to repair car scratch, whether you prefer DIY methods or professional assistance. From understanding the different types of car scratches to selecting the best repair method, we’ve got you covered. Say goodbye to unsightly scratches and hello to a flawless finish!

How Often Does Car Air Conditioning Need to be Serviced?

It’s important to ensure your car air conditioning system is regularly serviced, not only for comfort but also for safety. This blog post offers guidance on how often AC systems should be maintained and practical advice on keeping them in good working order. So keep cool while driving safely with our useful guide - regular servicing of your car’s air conditioning will go a long way towards that goal!

MTA Awards 2023 Finalists: A Triple Threat Showcase

The MTA WA Automotive Awards celebrate the top-rated businesses in the Western Australian automotive industry.

Car Value Vs Repair Cost – Is Your Car Worth Repairing? Or Should You Replace It?

Has your car been in the shop too many times? Is something still not working?

Does Car Value Affect Insurance?

Different factors influence the premium prices of a car insurance policy and the amount you get as compensation if it's written off or stolen and not recovered.